
Why the Princess Has a Story About Her.

(There was once a little princess whose father was king over a great country full of mountains and valleys.)

(The princess was a sweet little creature)


How to learn English.No.2

◇It's not necessary to look up every word that you don't know.
・come across:〜と出くわす、偶然見つける
(When you come across a word that you don't know)

・even if:たとえ〜でも
(Even if you do decided that you would like to look the word up in a dictionary to be sure about its meaning)

(you probably don't need to stop and look up the word unless you are very curious about its meaning.)

◇When you do look up a word that you don't know
・figure out:計算して合計(答え)を出す。算定する。見つけ出す。
(Rather, you should try to figure out which of these meanings fits the context in which you found the word. )


How to learn English.

◇Input is key

•get used to〜:〜に慣れる、〜になじむ

◇Find materials that are not too hard

•in order to〜:〜するために
•look up:調べる
•come up in:話に上る、議題になる

◇It's not necessary to look up every word that you don't know.


Begin to write my blog!!

Hello.My name is Kofuyu.

I am a student in Kumamoto Gakuen University.
Two years have passed since I came to Kumamoto.

I'm poor in English so study.

Thank you for reading.
See you.